Unit 17 Long Question

Q.12 What is single cell protein? Give its role in the service of humanity.

Q.12 What is single cell protein? Give its role in the service of humanity. Answer Definition Single-cell protein (SCP) refers to the protein content extracted from pure or mixed cultures of algae, yeasts, fungi or bacteria. OR It is known as single cell protein because the micro-organisms used as producers are unicellular or filamentous individuals. …

Q.12 What is single cell protein? Give its role in the service of humanity. Read More »

Q.11 What are different achievements of genetic engineering?

Q.11 What are different achievements of genetic engineering? Answer: Various achievements of genetic engineering are as follows: 1) Formation of human insulin Human insulin gene was transferred into bacteria. The genetically modified bacteria became able to synthesize insulin. Diabetics are now receiving this insulin. 2) Formation of human growth hormone In 1977, an E.coli bacterium …

Q.11 What are different achievements of genetic engineering? Read More »

Q.9 What is genetic engineering and write down it objectives.

Q.9 What is genetic engineering and write down it objectives. Answer: Definition Genetic engineering or recombinant DNA technology involves the artificial synthesis, modification, removal, addition and repair of the genetic material (DNA). Development of Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering developed in the mid – 1970s when it became possible to cut DNA and to transfer particular …

Q.9 What is genetic engineering and write down it objectives. Read More »

Q.8 Write two advantages of using fermenters.

Q.8 Write two advantages of using fermenters. Answer: Advantages of using fermenters (1) Controlled Environment For each biotechnological process, the environment provided to the organisms must be monitored and controlled. Such a controlled environment is provided by fermenters. A fermenter optimizes the growth of the organisms by controlling many factors, like nutrients, oxygen, growth inhibitors, …

Q.8 Write two advantages of using fermenters. Read More »

Q.6 What are applications of fermentation in biotechnology?

Q.6 What are applications of fermentation in biotechnology? Answer: In beginning, the meaning of fermentation process was the use of microorganisms for the production of foods (cheese, yogurt, fermented pickles and sausages, soy sauce), beverages (beers, wines) and spirits. However, in biotechnology the term “fermentation” means the production of any product by the mass culture of …

Q.6 What are applications of fermentation in biotechnology? Read More »

Q.5 What is Fermentation and write down its types.

Q.5 What is Fermentation and write down its types. Answer: Cellular respiration In cellular respiration glucose molecule goes through oxidation reduction reactions to release energy in the form of ATP. Fermentation Fermentation is the process in which there is incomplete oxidation – reduction of glucose. Fermentation has been in the knowledge of man since centuries …

Q.5 What is Fermentation and write down its types. Read More »

Q.4 Write down scope and importance of biotechnology in three different fields.

Q.4 Write down scope and importance of biotechnology in three different fields. Answer: In recent years, biotechnology is growing as a separate science. It has attracted the attention of: many intellectuals from diverse fields like agriculture, medicine, microbiology and organic chemistry. The scope for biotechnology is so wide that it is difficult to recognize the …

Q.4 Write down scope and importance of biotechnology in three different fields. Read More »