Q.10 What is drug addiction? Discuss its associated problems?

Q.10 What is drug addiction? Discuss its associated problems?
Drugs addiction
Some drugs often make person dependent on them or addicted. By using such drugs, the personโ€™s body become familiar to it and the user cannot function well without it. This is called drug addiction.
Drug addiction and associated problems
Drug abusers go through withdrawal of social contact or communication. Many studies by the experts of social sciences prove that there exists a close relationship between drug addiction and crime.
Problems of drug addiction
1. Law violation
The compulsion for narcotic drugs makes every drug addict a law violator and criminal. Mere possession of a narcotic drug is a violation of the law. Thus, every drug addict is subjected to arrest by the police.
The jails and prisons of our country are full of such people who have committed no other
crime than the illegal possession of narcotics.
2. Involvement in Crimes
Most drug addicts get involved in various crimes e.g. Robbery, shoplifting, burglary, embezzlement etc.
3. Psychic patients
Drug addicts may commit violent crimes since so many become psychic patients.
4. Weak social behaviour
The addicts are very weak in their social behaviour. They face social stigma. i.e. the society dislikes them because of their unpredictable behaviours.

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