Q.12 Define fertilization and explain its types.
After the formation of gametes; fertilization occurs. There are two ineca. hanisms by which fertilization can take place:
(1) External fertilization:
In external fertilization, egg cells are fertilized outside the body.
It occurs in aquatic environment and both the male and female animals release their gametes in. their surroundings at almost the same time. In external fertilization, there is risk of loss of gametes due to environmental hazards such as predators.
It occurs in many invertebrates and the first two groups of vertebrates i.e. fishes and amphibians
Internal fertilization
Egg cells are fertilized within the reproductive tract of fr male.
Such animals provide protection to the developing embryo. After fertilization, reptiles and birds make protective shells around their egg.cells and then lay these eggs. Extra protection is provided to embryo and mother supplies all that embryo needs: An mammals, the development of fertilized egg into new body takes place within the motherโs body.
Examples are reptiles, birds and mammals