Q.14 Describe Growth in Human populai tion and its consequence.

Q.14 Describe Growth in Human populai tion and its consequence.
Pakistan’s Population
Pakistan’s population in the year 2007-08 was 163,775,000. By the end of this decade, our population is expected to exceed 176 million.”
High growth rate in past
Pakistan’s population had relatively high growth rate in past. When population exceeds th carrying capacity of an area., it results in over population.
Problems with human sverpopulation
(i) Shortage of Fresh Water
(ii) Deforestation and loss of ecosystem.
(iii) Mote popula’.ion and global warming
(iv) High infant and child mortality rate due to poverty.
(v) Shortage of housing units, hospitals, jobs, educational institutions and food.
Preventive measures to control population
(i) People, should be educated about the problems of overpopulation.
(ii) Pakistan’s Ministry of Population Welfare has taken a number of steps to make people aware «
the hazards of overpopulation and to stabilize the population to match our resources.

Preventive measures to control population1