Q.4 Write down scope and importance of biotechnology in three different fields.

Q.4 Write down scope and importance of biotechnology in three different fields.
In recent years, biotechnology is growing as a separate science. It has attracted the attention of: many intellectuals from diverse fields like agriculture, medicine, microbiology and organic chemistry.
The scope for biotechnology is so wide that it is difficult to recognize the limits. The following are some areas of the application of biotechnology:
1. Biotechnology in the field of medicine./Write the scope and importance of biotechnology
in the field of medicine
 (a) Synthesis of insulin and interferon .
In the field of medicine, biotechnologists synthesized insulin and interferon (antiviral protein) from bacteria and released for sale.
(b) Vaccines and Antibodies
A large number of vaccines and antibodies; human growth hormone and other medicines have also been produced
(c) Synthesis of enzymes
Various enzymes are being synthesized for medicinal as well as industrial use.
d) Gene therapy and forensic medicines,
Gene therapy (treatment through genes) has become important in recent years. Biotechnology also proved much beneficial in forensic medicines. The study of DNA helps in the identification of criminals.
2. Biotechnology in the field of food and agriculture
(a) In Food Production
Fermented foods (e.g. pickles, yogurt), malted foods (e.g. powdered milk: a mixture of barley, wheat flour and whole milk), various vitamins and dairy products are produced by using microorganisms.
(b) In Wine and beer Production
Wine and beer are produced in beverage industry. Biotechnology has also revolutionized research activities in the area of agriculture.
(c) Transgenic Plants and Animals
Transgenic (organisms with modified genetic set-up) plants are being developed, in which desirable characteristics are present e.g., more yields and resistance against diseases, insects and herbicides.
Transgenic goats, chickens, cows give more food and milk etc. Many animals like mice, goats. cows etc. have been made transgenic to get medicines through their milk, blood or urine.
3. Biotechnology and environment
(a) Biotechnology and environment issues
Biotechnology is also being used for dealing with environmental issues, like pollution control, development of renewable sources for energy, restoration of degraded lands and bio-diversity conservation.
(b) Sewage Water Treatment
Bacterial enzymes are used to treat sewage water to purify.
(c) Transgenic Microbes
Microbes are being developed to be used as biopesticides, biofertilizers, biosensors etc. Such transgenic micro-organisms are also used for the recovery of metals, cleaning of spilled oils and for many other purposes.