Unit 15 Inheritance Long Questions

Unit 15 Inheritance Long Questions

Q.1 Define the following terms:
Genetics, inheritance, traits and genes
Q.2 What are chromosomes and genes. Describe the structure of chromosomes.

Q.3 Describe structure of DNA.

Q.4 Describe DNA Replication.

Q.5 How does DNA of chromosome work?

Q.6 Describe role of genes and alleles.

Q.7 What is Genotype? Explain its different types.

Q.8 What do you know about Gregor Mendel? Why he selected pea plant for his genetic experiments?

Q.9 Define and Explain Mendel’s law of segregation.

Q.10 Derine and Explain Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment.

Q.11 Define and explain co-dominance and Incomplete dominance with examples.

Q.12 Define variations. Discuss their sources and types.

Q.13 What is Biological or Organic Evolution? Explain with the help of Darwin’s theory of natural selection

Q.14 What is artificial selection? Explain it.