Unit 18 Pharmacology Long Questions

Unit 18 Pharmacology Long Questions

Q.1 What is pharmacology? Explain.
Q.2 Define Drug. What are its types?
Q.3 Differentiate between pharmacology and pharmacy?
Q.4 What is Materia Medica?
Q.5 What are prescription drugs and Non-prescription drugs? Give examples.
Q.6 What are the sources of drugs? Give examples?
Q.7 How drugs are classified? Describe the usage of important medicinal drugs? OR Write any three medicinal drugs. Explain in detail.
Q.8 Describe the things to remember while using the medicines.
Q.9 Write a note on addictive Drugs.
Q.10 What is drug addiction? Discuss its associated problems?
Q.11 What are antibiotics? How do they work? OR Discuss their uses.
Q.12 Describe the main groups of antibiotics?
Q.13 Describe the antibiotic resistance?
Q.14 What are vaccines? Who introduced worldโ€™s first vaccination?
Q.15 Describe the mode of action of vaccines?
Q.16 When and why children are vaccinated?