My Best friend Essay in English

My Best friend Essay in English

My Best friend Essay in English. Nowadays true and faithful friends are very rare. A true friend is one who stands by his friend in his hour of need. If a person leaves his friend at a time when he needs him the most. He cannot be called a real friend. He is a fair-weather friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed. t is indeed very difficult to find a true friend in this world. All that glitters is not gold.

We should distinguish between good and bad friends. We should know that only a person who is sincere and honest can prove to be a good friend. A good friend is a source of happiness. He shares not only our joys but also our sorrows.

I am very fortunate that I have a true friend. He is Mr. Arshad Bhatti. He is my best friend. He is of my age. He is well built and has a frank, honest look. He is smart and energetic. He is fair in his colour. We have been studying in the same school for five years. He lives near my house. we spend most of our time together. He is the only son of his father.

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He belongs to a rich family. His father is the manager of a bank. His mother is also employed. She is a teacher in Government High School. Though his parents are well off, they are not proud of their wealth. They are very God-fearing. They treat me as their own son.

I like Arshad because he possesses a smiling face. He is a good-tempered boy and never fights with anyone. If a poor boy is unable to pay his fee, Arshad comes to his rescue by paying his fees. He is also kind to animals and never troubles them. He gets up early in the morning and goes for a walk. He is very particular about cleanliness. He hates evil but not the evildoer. He feels that it is better to reform them.

My best friend is very intelligent and hardworking. He is the monitor of our class. He is very popular among his classmates. He believes in constant struggle. He is at the top of his class. But he never boasts of his ability. He is very fond of reading books. He is very helpful to the weak students. He also helps me in studying the subjects in which I am weak. He also takes a leading part in the welfare of the school.

He is a fine sportsman too. He takes part in many games in the evening. He also takes an active interest in scouting and other healthy activities. In this way, he develops his physical, moral and intellectual faculties. He has no interest in politics.

He is very sociable. He is respectful to his teachers. His pleasing manners have endeared him to both his teachers and the class-fellows.

His teachers always speak highly of him and say that he is a promising boy and is sure to have a brilliant future. He is a kind and straightforward friend. We have always helped each other. We have never allowed any misunderstanding to come our way. I am proud of having such a sincere friend. may he live long!