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in Chemistry by (41.5k points)
Prepare the following as directed.

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by (41.5k points)
(a) ethane from ethene

When ethene reacts with hydrogen in the presence of Ni at 250 to 300 °C ethane is formed.


   H2C=CH2   +   H2             H3C-CH3


(b) Acetylene from tetra-halide

When an alkyl tetra-halide is heated with zinc dust, the elimination of halogen atoms takes place and acetylene is formed.

  Cl  Cl

H-C―C-H        +2Zn(dust)     heat           HC≡CH   +  2ZnCI2 Cl    

  Cl   Cl                                    (Ethyne)

(c) Carbon tetra-chloride from methane

  Alkanes react fairly with halogens in diffused sunlight only. CH4 reacts with Cl2 in diffused sun light to form chloromethane, dichloromethane tri chloromethane and finally Tetrachloromethane


CH4      +     C12               CH3C1   +   HC1

                                Sunlight                Chloromethane


CH3C1 +    C12                        CH2C12 +    HC1


CH2C12 +   C12                        CHCl3   +    HCl




CHC13 +   C12                         CCl4    +    HC1


                                               (Carbon tetrachloride)

 (d) Ethylene glycol from ethene

When ethene is treated with aq. alkaline KMn04 solution, ethylene glycol is formed in cold state.

 3CH2 = CH2   + 2KMnO4 +   4H2O         3CH2 ― CH2   +   2KMnO4   + 2KOH

(e)  1,2-dibromoethane from ethene

When ethene is treated with bromine 1, 2-dibromoethane is formed.

        H2C=CH2 + Br2 + Br-CH2-CH2-Br

(f) glyoxal from acetylene

When acetylene is oxidized by alkaline KMn04 hydroxyl groups add to triple bond. This intermediate product eliminates water molecules to form glyoxal.

HC≡CH   +   2KMnO   +   2H20   OH OH   +   2MnO2   +   2KOH


                                          OH OH

                                             O O

   OH OH   -2H2O         ║ ║

  H-C—C-H                             H-C-C-H

OH OH                                  Glyoxal
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