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in Science by (1.0m points)
List down three examples of translucent objects?

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by (1.0m points)

Three examples of translucent objects are: 

1. Frosted glass 2. Tissue paper 3. Net curtain 

Tinted windows, frosted glass, sunglasses, wax paper, fingers and certain plastics are all examples of translucent objects. Translucent is defined as a material that blurs light as it passes through.

Translucency, sometimes known as semi-transparency, is a form of transparency. It allows light to pass through, but unlike a transparent object, it does not allow said light to form shapes. This happens because the photons scatter and the image becomes less focused. Certain ultraviolet rays, such as those from the sun, may go through a translucent object.

Opacity is the opposite of translucency. Light does not pass through opaque material. Instead, the material reflects light. Different objects reflect different colors.

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