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in Science by (1.0m points)
Which planets can be seen without telescope?

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by (1.0m points)

Venus ,Mars,Jupiter and Saturn are the planets which can be seen without telescope.

Mercury is presently undergoing an unfavourable morning apparition. The tiny planet is visible with much difficulty very low on the eastern horizon, between 20 and 30 minutes before sunrise. Scan the horizon with binoculars to try and find this little pinprick of light lost in the glow of approaching sunrise. The brightness of Mercury is increasing slightly in early May, which may help in locating it.

Venus is the bright Evening Star that pierces the colours of twilight in the west, as soon as the sky begins to darken in the minutes after sunset. Venus is gradually pulling away from the Sun and now sets about two and a half hours after our daytime star. From April 25 to 28, Venus passes between two famous open star clusters: the Pleiades and the Hyades; one hour after sunset, examine the darkening sky around the bright planet with binoculars. On May 17, at dusk, the thin crescent moon hangs less than 6 degrees to the left of Venus: with binoculars, admire the earthshine that dimly lights the otherwise dark section of the lunar disc. The scene becomes truly magnificent when the sky becomes a deep, dark blue, about one hour after sunset.

Mars emerges above the southeast horizon around 2:00 a.m., and climbs above the south-southeast horizon at dawn. Mars shines a few degrees to the left of Saturn, but the gap between the two planets widens with each passing day.

Jupiter appears above the east-southeast horizon around 9:30 p.m. and culminates 27 degrees high in the south around 1:30 a.m. During the night of April 29 to 30, the full Moon hangs a few degrees to the right of Jupiter. The following evening, April 30, the waning gibbous Moon shines 5 degrees to the left of Jupiter. Watch them as they rise together above the east-southeast horizon: an impressive duo!

Saturn emerges above the southeast horizon around 1:00 a.m. and culminates at dawn about 22 degrees high in the south, just before it vanishes in the encroaching light of day. Mars shines a few degrees to the left of Saturn, and the gap between the two planets widens with each passing day. On the mornings of May 4 and 5, the waning gibbous moon hangs a few degrees to the right, and then to the left, of the ringed planet, respectively.

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