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in Science by (1.0m points)
How are pulley and inclined plane useful

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by (1.0m points)
Pulley: A pulley consisting of a grooved wheel and a rope passing over it.A pulley makes work easier by changing the direction of force.Pulley are used in flagpoles,blind cords,sailboats etc. Inclined plane: It is always difficult to move upward due to the force of gravity.It becomes even more difficult when we need to move a heavy load to a higher place.Therefore,a ramp is usually for this purpose.It is also called an inclined plane.It helps to move objects easily from a lower surface to a higher surface by applying less force than required.We use many forms of inclined plane daily e.g staircase,wheelchair ramps,slanted roads, slides etc.

One of the traditional types of simple machines is an inclined plane. Like the pulley and lever, the inclined plane provides a means of raising a heavy load easily. It is mainly useful for loading barrels since they can be rolled up the incline plane. The inclined plane was one of the machines available in ancient times. For example- the early Egyptians used inclined planes in the construction of the pyramids. Today many inclined planes are used in sports and recreation like water skiing and slides. They are especially used when loading and unloading trucks since many things are too heavy for people to move. Many roofs are built with an incline so rain water would slide down easily.

There are also natural inclined planes. For example skiing- the downhill plane is natural. Also to get to the top of mountains, construction crews use inclined planes to build roads around mountains instead of straight up.

Then we could gradually get up the mountain with less effort.

Some inclined planes are in unusual places like when you walk up and down the stairs, it is an inclined plane. It is also the most often used. Bathtubs are another example because the sides of the tub have built in planes so water can slide down easily in a certain direction. Skateboarders perform tricks on inclined planes so they could gain more speed when jumping.

When you push something up the ramp, it would go up gradually. You would also use less effort than just lifting the load up. If the plane is steep, you are also using more effort than if it was lowered. If the plane is at a steep angle a greater force is needed to move the load than if the plane is only tilted a little. However, work.\

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