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in Science by (1.0m points)
How does Mars similar to the Earth?

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by (1.0m points)
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun.Mars is very similar to the earth in terms of seasons and soil texture but the atmosphere of Mars has very little oxygen and water vapour.

Mars is similar to Earth in the fact that both planets have about the same amount of dry land surface. Both planets also have volcanoes and impact basins.

It takes Mars around 24 hours and 37 minutes make full rotation on its axis, while it takes Earth just seconds under 24 hours.

While there are several similarities between the two planets, there are also major differences. For example, Mars is roughly half the size in diameter of Earth. Mars also takes over 650 days to fully rotate the sun, while it takes Earth 365 days. The average surface temperature on Mars is much cooler than on Earth.

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