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in Science by (1.0m points)
Differentiate between milk teeth and permanent teeth.

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by (1.0m points)
Throughout a human being’s life two sets of teeth develop, namely the milk set of teeth and the permanent set of teeth.

Human babies are born without a single tooth. As the human baby grows older, he or she begins to gradually develop teeth. The set of teeth that grow in the mouth of a person between the ages of one and six or seven are what we refer to as the milk teeth. Another name for the milk teeth is the deciduous teeth or baby teeth. As the name baby teeth implies, these teeth develop at the very early stage of a child’s life.

A child will normally develop the milk set of teeth between the ages of one and seven. Around this time of the child’s life, he or she will develop a total of 20 milk teeth. The milk teeth are usually smaller in size, tender and are  temporary set of teeth.

The milk teeth usually start falling out when the child reaches six or seven years.

Between the ages of six and twelve, a human being loses all his or her milk teeth one after the other. With each milk tooth that falls out, a new tooth replaces it. This new tooth that replaces the milk tooth is the permanent tooth. By the time the child reaches his or her teenage years, all his or her milk tooth would have been replaced by permanent teeth. Majority of adult humans have a total of 32 permanent teeth.

The last of the teeth that a person grows are the wisdom teeth. These teeth are usually four in number and are not present until between the ages of 17 and 25. The appearance of the wisdom teeth in a person signifies that the person is no longer a child and has become an adult. The wisdom teeth are part of the molars, which are one of the four types of teeth. You can read more about the types of teeth and their functions here.

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