The process of producing young ones is called reproduction.For example Dog produces puppies and cat produces kittens .
The male and female reproductive system can seem very mysterious, and there are many misconceptions out there that can affect your reproductive health. Take this short survey to see how much you really know.
1. A female can get pregnant while she is on her period. Y or N
2. All fetuses start out as females. Y or N
3. Puberty for boys usually starts later than it does for girls. Y or N
4. Condoms can protect you from all STDs. Y or N
5. You must have a doctor’s prescription to obtain birth control pills. Y or N
6. Emergency contraception (Plan B) is available over the counter. Y or N
7. Schools are required to teach sex education. Y or N
8. In an emergency, plastic bags can be effectively used as condoms.Y or N
9. A man can tell if a woman is or is not a virgin. Y or N
10. Girls cannot urinate if they are wearing a tampon. Y or N
11. All methods of birth control use hormones. Y or N
12. A diaphragm is like a condom the female places over the cervix. Y or N
13. Most girls menstruate every month. Y or N
14. During menstruation, girls cannot go swimming. Y or N
15. Planned Parenthood only provides abortion services. Y or N
16. Girls cannot get pregnant the first time they have sex. Y or N
17. Smoking marijuana can make a man infertile. Y or N
18. Menstruation usually continues for 5 days. Y or N
19. The withdrawal method is an effective way to prevent preganancy. Y or N
20. Birth control pills are effective only if they are taken every day. Y or N
Food for Though Questions (these do not have a right or a wrong)
1. Do you think sex education encourages young adults to be sexually active?
2. Do you think an abstinance only program can reduce teen pregnancies?
3. Do you think parents should be allowed to "opt out" of sex education for their children?
4. What percentage of the student population at your school do you think is sexually active? How many of those use protection?
5. Do you think young adults feel pressure to engage in sexual activity?
6. How are girls treated different from boys with regard to sexual activity?
7. Where do most teenagers get their information about sex?