Algae is main producer and is major source of food for water animals.It is green in colour and floats on water surface.
Algae (singular: alga) are plants or plantlike organisms that contain chlorophyll (pronounced KLOR-uh-fill) and other pigments (coloring matter) that trap light from the Sun. This light energy is then converted into food molecules in a process called photosynthesis. Most algae store energy as some form of carbohydrate (complex sugars).
Algae can be either single-celled or large, multicellular organisms. They can occur in freshwater or salt water (most seaweeds are algae) or on the surfaces of moist soil or rocks. The multicellular algae lack the true stems, leaves, or roots of the more complex, higher plants, although some—like the giant kelp—have tissues that may be organized into structures that serve particular functions. The cell walls of algae are generally made of cellulose and can also contain pectin, which gives algae its slimy feel.
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Types of algae
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Although the term algae originally referred to aquatic plants, it is now broadly used to include a number of different groups of unrelated organisms. There are seven divisions of organisms that make up the algae. They are grouped according to the types of pigments they use for photosynthesis, the makeup of their cell walls, the types of carbohydrate compounds they store for energy, and the types of flagella (whiplike structures) they use for movement. The colors of the algae types are due to their particular mixtures of photosynthetic pigments, which typically include a combination of one or more of the green-colored chlorophylls as their primary pigments.
Words to Know
Carbohydrate: A compound consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen found in plants and used as a food by humans and other animals.
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Photosynthesis: Process by which light energy is captured from the Sun by pigment molecules in plants and algae and converted to food.
Phytoplankton: Microscopic algae that live suspended in the water.
Zooplankton: Tiny animals that drift through the upper surface of water bodies and feed on phytoplankton.