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in General Knlowedge by (1.0m points)
What are the duties of citizen?

1 Answer

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by (1.0m points)
Being a good citizen, it is our duty to educate our children, respect the laws, take care of neighbour and disabled persons, be disciplined and cooperate with the government departments like police.

(a) Allegiance:

Every citizen is expected to be loyal to the state. His or her loyalty should, in no case, be divided. The state expects unstinted allegiance from its citizens.

(b) Obedience:

All the citizens should willingly and habitually obey the laws of the state. A democratic government is a government of the people themselves. Laws reflect their own will. There should not be, therefore, any hesitation in the obedience of laws.

(c) Payment of Taxes:

The administration of a country involves a certain amount of expenditure. This expenditure cannot be met without raising certain taxes. Citizens in their own interest, should, therefore willingly and honestly make payment of their taxes.

(d) Public Spirit:

Every citizen should be public spirited. He should not seek his self-interest and should always be ready to contribute his mite to the welfare of society.

(e) Honest exercise of Franchise:

Vote is a sacred trust in the hands of the citizens. It should always be used judiciously. Suitable represen­tatives should be sent to the legislatures. A wrong use of vote may result in a bad government.

(J) Help to Public Officials in the maintenance of Law and Order:

It is the duty of every citizen to lend a hand of co-operation to public officials in the discharge of their duties. Every citizen should try to remove evils and crimes from society by rendering help to the officials concerned.

(g) Work:

Every able-bodied citizen should work and try to add something to the social fund. Idlers are a parasite on the society. Work brings in wealth and prosperity in the country. In countries like Russia work is considered to be a legal duty.

(h) Toleration:

Every citizen is expected to be tolerant towards others. Their religions beliefs "Do unto others what you wish to be done by," should be the motto before every citizen.

(j) Resistance:

It is more or less a moral duty. It is the duty of a good citizen to resist injustice from any quarter. If the government is unjust, it may also be resisted.

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