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in Biology by (1.0m points)
Describe the objectives and features of DBMS?

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by (1.0m points)
Various Objectives of Database Management System

Mass Storage

DBMS can store a lot of data in it. So for all the big firms, DBMS is really ideal technology to use. It can store thousands of records in it and one can fetch all that data whenever it is needed.

Removes Duplicity

If you have lots of data then data duplicity will occur for sure at any instance. DBMS guarantee it that there will be no data duplicity among all the records. While storing new records, DBMS makes sure that same data was

not inserted before.

Also See: Types of Database Users in DBMS

Multiple Users Access

No one handles the whole database alone. There are lots of users who are able to access database. So this situation may happen that two or more users are accessing database. They can change whatever they want, at that time DBMS makes it sure that they can work concurrently.

Data Protection

Information such as bank details, employee’s salary details and sale purchase details should always be kept secured. Also all the companies need their data secured from unauthorized use. DBMS gives a master level security to their data. No one can alter or modify the information without the privilege of using that data.

Data Back up and recovery

Sometimes database failure occurs so there is no option like one can say that all the data has been lost. There should be a backup of database so that on database failure it can be recovered. DBMS has the ability to backup and recover all the data in database.

Everyone can work on DBMS

There is no need to be a master of programming language if you want to work on DBMS. Any accountant who is having less technical knowledge can work on DBMS. All the definitions and descriptions are given in it so that even a non-technical background w=person can work on it.


Integrity means your data is authentic and consistent. DBMS has various validity checks that make your data completely accurate and consistence.

Platform Independent

One can run dbms at any platform. No particular platform is required to work on database management system.

So it was all about Various Objectives of Database Management System. If you have any question regarding this topic then please comment below

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