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in Biology by (1.0m points)
Describe the different database models?

1 Answer

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by (1.0m points)
There are many kinds of data models. Some of the most common ones include:

Hierarchical database model

Relational model

Network model

Object-oriented database model

Entity-relationship model

Document model

Entity-attribute-value model

Star schema

The object-relational model, which combines the two that make up its name

You may choose to describe a database with any one of these depending on several factors. The biggest factor is whether the database management system you are using supports a particular model. Most database management systems are built with a particular data model in mind and require their users to adopt that model, although some do support multiple models.

In addition, different models apply to different stages of the database design process. High-level conceptual data models are best for mapping out relationships between data in ways that people perceive that data. Record-based logical models, on the other hand, more closely reflect ways that the data is stored on the server.

Selecting a data model is also a matter of aligning your priorities for the database with the strengths of a particular model, whether those priorities include speed, cost reduction, usability, or something else.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common database models.

Relational model

The most common model, the relational model sorts data into tables, also known as relations, each of which consists of columns and rows. Each column lists an attribute of the entity in question, such as price, zip code, or birth date. Together, the attributes in a relation are called a domain. A particular attribute or combination of attributes is chosen as a primary key that can be referred to in other tables, when it’s called a foreign key.

Each row, also called a tuple, includes data about a specific instance of the entity in question, such as a particular employee.

The model also accounts for the types of relationships between those tables, including one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. Here’s an example:
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