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in Physics by (36.5k points)
On what factors does loudness of sound depends? Explain.

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by (36.5k points)
Ans. Loudness of sound depends upon the following factors:
1. Amplitude of the vibrating body.
2. Area of the vibrating body.
3. Distance from the vibrating body.

Amplitude of the Vibrating Body
The loudness of the sound varies directly with the amplitude of the vibrating body. For example, the sound produced by the star will be loud if we pluck its wires more violently. Similarly, when we beat a drum forcefully, the amplitude of its membrane increases and we hear a loud sound.
Area of the Vibrating body
The loudness of sound also depends upon the area of the vibrating body. For example, sound produced by a large drum is louder than that of a small one. Similarly, if we strike a tuning fork on a rubber pad, a feeble sound wilt be heard. But>if the vibrating tuning fork is placed vertically on the surface of a bench, we will hear a louder saund. , Distance from the Vibrating Body
Loudness of sound also depends upon the distance of the vibrating body from the listener, it is caused by the decrease in amplitude due to increase in distance.
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