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in Computer Science by (1.0m points)
Write comprehensive note on E-Commerce.

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by (1.0m points)

E-commerce is the buying and selling of products using the World Wide Web. A business that's using an e-commerce website will have a basket that lets you send products to it, so you can later buy the product online. One of the example for e-commerce is e-bay.it most popular one.If you started an e-commerce for Horse Stables you will be able to create an online store that people can easily access and you can easily edit. So if you create an e-commerce website it will save you valuable time and would bring you more customers. Also it will be able to access 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. While using an e-commerce website you will radically reduce the amount of paperwork. Using e-commerce you can pay by using pay-pal, pay-pal allows you to buy products online and if necessary you can return the product you bought.

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