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in Computer Science by (1.0m points)
Write a comprehensive note on operating system.

1 Answer

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by (1.0m points)

Operating System Definition: It is a software that works as an interface between a user and the computer hardware. The primary objective of an operating system is to make computer system convenient to use and to utilize computer hardware in an efficient manner. The operating system performs the basic tasks such as receiving input from the keyboard, processing instructions and sending output to the screen.

What is Operating System

The Software is the Non-Touchable Parts of the Computer , and Software’s are those which are used for Performing an Operation So that Software’s are just used for Making an Application but hardware’s are those which are used for Performing an Operation . 

Operating system is software that is required in order to run application programs and utilities. It works as a bridge to perform better interaction between application programs and hardware of the computer. Examples of operating system are UNIX, MS-DOS, MS-Windows - 98/XP/Vista, Windows-NT/2000, OS/2 and Mac OS. 

Functions of operating system

Operating System Means that Resource Manager, that manage all the Resources those are Attached to the System,like Memory,Processor,Input/output Devices.

Storage Management:It manage all the Storing and Accessing Files and Directories  Reading/Writing Operations.

Operating system manages overall activities of a computer and the input/output devices attached to the computer. It is the first software you see when you turn on the computer, and the last software you see when the computer is turned off. It is the software that enables all the programs you use. At the simplest level, an operating system does two things:

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