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in Computer Science by (1.0m points)
What is the purpose of operating system?

1 Answer

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by (1.0m points)

It manages hard ware and software resources f computer. The resources include processor, memory and disk space etc.

It provides a consistent way for application to interact with the hardware without knowing all the details of the hardware.

Briefly describe the evolution of windows operating system.

Microsoft windows are a graphical interface operating system. It is developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is widely used in business, educational institution and research organizations.

The first successful series of windows was windows 3.x series. Windows 3.x was an operating environment. It provided a GUI that executed on top of dos. It replaced the command-line interface with a point-and click system.

Microsoft released window 95 in 1995. It was a complete operating system for personal computers. Windows 98 was an improved version of Windows 95. It was released in 1998. It was more stable than Windows 95.

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