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in Women's Health by (1.0m points)

1 Answer

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by (1.0m points)

How to do a vaginal self-exam:

Make sure your hands are clean or that you’re wearing sterile gloves. Be mindful of your fingernails.

Remove your clothes from the waist down. Sit on your bed or on a towel on the floor against a wall with your back propped up by pillows. Pull your feet toward your butt and spread your legs.

Relax your pelvic muscles. Then examine the parts of the vulva: the clitoris, and the outer and inner labia. Take note of the color and size of each part, so if anything changes you’ll notice it easily. You may need to pull back slightly on the hood of the clitoris. You might also have to move your pubic hair to get a clear view of the area.

To do a more complete self-exam, gently spread the labia apart and angle the mirror and light so you can see into the vagina. The walls should be pinkish in color. If you’re comfortable, put your finger inside your vagina and feel along the vaginal wall. You may notice it feels a little like the roof of your mouth. If you push a little farther, you may feel your cervix. It feels like the tip of your nose.

and other factors.

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