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in Vaccines by (1.0m points)

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by (1.0m points)

The HPV vaccine prevents infection by the HPV types responsible for most cervical cancers. As of 2014, Gardasil 9 is the only available vaccine in the U.S. It prevents infection by the same HPV types as the first-generation vaccine, Gardasil, plus HPV-31, HPV-33, HPV-45, HPV-52, and HPV-58. Collectively, these types are implicated in 90% of cervical cancers.

HPV vaccines are extremely effective at preventing infection by the HPV types they cover. Getting the HPV vaccine reduces a woman’s risk of cervical cancer and precancerous growths substantially. Men cannot develop cervical cancer, but the HPV vaccine may prevent genital warts, anal cancer, penile cancer, and the spread of HPV to sexual partners. Gardasil 9 is approved for males ages 9 through 26. It has also been approved for men and women ages 27 to 45.

The HPV vaccine does not treat or cure an HPV infection in women or men who are already infected by one of these HPV types.

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