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in Physics by (36.5k points)
How   are   resistors   connected   in   parallel?   Determine   equivalent resistance of the parallel combination of resistors.

1 Answer

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by (36.5k points)
In (.Parallel combination, one end of each resistors W-I g connected with positive terminal of the battery while  the other end of each resistor is connected with the
negative terminal of the battery. Therefore, the voltage is same across each resistor which is equal to the  voltage of  battery. parallel combination
i.e.      V = V1 = V2 = V3
In the parallel circuit, the total current is equal to the sum of the currents in the various resistances.
i.e.      I^+12 + Lj  ......    (1)
Since the voltage across each resistance is V, so by Ohm's law V.
Thus Eq. (1) becomes
   V     V     V
We can replace the combination of resistors with a single resistor called the equivalent resistance Re such that the same current passes through the circuit. From
Ohm's law:
= V/Re
Thus, Equation (2) becomes r~d  d
R Thus, the equivalent resistance of a parallel combination is sum of the reciprocal of the individual resistances, which is less than any of the individual resistance connected in the combination. If resistances R.,, R2, R3, Rn are connected in parallel, then the equivalent resistance of the combination will be given by L•

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