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in Substance Abuse and Addiction by (1.0m points)

1 Answer

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by (1.0m points)

Effects of crystal meth include:

  • Meth can make a user's body temperature rise so high he or she could pass out or even die.
  • A user may feel anxious and confused, be unable to sleep, have mood swings, and become violent.
  • Looks can change dramatically. A user may age quickly. The skin may dull, and he or she can develop hard-to-heal sores and pimples. He or she may have a dry mouth and stained, broken, or rotting teeth.
  • The user may become paranoid. He or she may hear and see things that aren’t there. Users may think about hurting themselves or others.
  • A meth user is at higher risk for HIV/AIDS. The drug can affect judgment and lessen inhibitions. Someone under the influence of the drug may be more likely to engage in risky behaviors, such as unsafe sex.

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