This condition is seen in 2% of newborn infants. Most of the infants affected by RDS are those who have
born prematurely. The children affected be one or two large cysts in a lung. But, by this syndrome develop respiratory more commonly, small multiple cysts distress (rapid, laboured breathing) are present, giving the lung a honey-soon after birth. Deficiency of surfac- comb appearance on X-ray skiagrams tant is the underlying cause in the res- (radiographs). The cysts may be filed piratory distress syndrome. Surfactant with fluid or air. Congenital lung cysts deficiency results in increased alveolar are important clinically because they surface tension, so that the alveoli col- cause chronic and resistant lung infec-lapse during expiration. Histologically, tions. the partially collapsed lung alveoli are
seen to be lined by a membranous 3j Errors jn the pattern of division
layer of eosinophilic hyaline material of bronchial tree
(derived probably from a combination Abnormal division of the bron-
of surfactant and injured pulmonary chiai tree leads to the formation of ab-
epithehum). Due to this reason, RDS norma| number of pu|monary |obes or
was previously titled as.hyaline mem- bronchopu|monary segments. These
brane^easaMostofthechHdrensuf- anoma|ies are common but not dini.
fenng from RDS die unless intensive ^ significant. However, such
medical care is provided Admm.stra- anomalles ^y ^^ unexpected diffi-
,on of glucocorticoids has been proved cu|t| for h *sjcjan who js performing
to stimulate surfactant production in bronycnosc0p/ premature babies. Recently, artificial surfactant has been synthesized and
its administration to infants suffering 4) Azygos Lobe of the Lung form RDS has greatly improved the Tnis abnormal lobe is present in chances of survival in these cases. the right lung in about 1% of the peo ple. It is formed when the right apical
2) Congenital Lung Cysts bronchus grows medial to the azygos
Disturbances in bronchial devel- vein (instead of lateral to it). Therefore,
opment during fetal life results in for- the azygos vein in present in the bot-
mation of cysts in the lungs. These tom of a fissure in the superior lobe of
cysts are formed by the dilatation of tne r'9ht lung. The part of the lung me-
those terminal bronchi and bronchioles dial to ^s flssure is ^own as that fail to branch further. There may