The urinary and genital (reproductive) As a result of folding of the em-systems are grouped together as uro- bryo in the transverse plane, the inter-genital system because they are mediate mesoderm loses its connec-closely associated with each other em- tion with the somites and is carried bryologically as well as anatomically, ventrally. Finally, it forms a longitudinal Developmentally both of these systems elevation, called urogenital ridge, on are derived from intermediate meso- each side of the dorsal aorta. Each derm. Also, in early development the urogenital ridge becomes divided into excretory ducts of the urinary and geni- two parts: (1) a ventromedial part tal systems open into a common called gonadal ridge from which go-chamber called cloaca. Anatomically nads (testis or ovary) develop, and (2) the close association of these systems a dorsolateral part called nephrogenic is more marked in the adult male; the cord from which kidney systems de-male urethra conveys both urine and velop.
semen. In the normal adult females the ncx/ci rtDJMCMT r\c tuc
urinary and genital systems are mostly DEVELOPMENT OF THE
separate and independent; however, URINARY SYSTEM
the urethra and vagina open into a The urinary system begins to
common space-the vestibule of vagina, develop before the genital system. The
components of the urinary system are: kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra.