This anomaly is characterized by the presence of numerous fluid filled cysts in the renal parenchyma, which lead to loss of function and renal failure. Two varieties of this congenital renal disorder are known: (i) the adult type, also called autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, has been reported to occur in 1/1000 live births. In this anomaly cysts develop from all segments of nephron. Renal function is slowly compromised and renal failure generally occurs by the middle age. (ii) the infantile type, also called autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, is less common (occurring in 1/5000 live births) but more progressive. The cysts, which develop from collecting tubules, cause massive enlargement of the kidneys. Renal fail-
ure ensues soon after birth and survival beyond infancy is seldom possible unless dialysis and kidney transplantation is carried out.