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in Psoriasis by (1.0m points)

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by (1.0m points)

Whether your condition is mild or severe, you may have to switch and combine treatments every now and then. That’s because psoriasis can become resistant to a certain treatment after a while.

If your scalp psoriasis is mild, your dermatologist may recommend shampoos or topical solutions with coal tar or salicylic acid. Both lower the number of skin cells your body makes and can ease itching.

Your doctor may also suggest steroid scalp injections to reduce patches, or an antihistamine to deal with the itching.

For more moderate to severe cases, you may get a prescription scalp ointment, liquid, cream, foam, or shampoo. Some of these have corticosteroids.

If your psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis is severe and affects other areas of your body, you might be prescribed a medication that deals with all your symptoms. An example would be biologic drugs, which target specific parts of your immune system.

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