Sometimes the obliteration of the processus vaginalis is not complete and a narrow^ communication remains between the peritoneal cavity and tunica vaginalis. This communication is too small to allow the herniation of the intestinal loops; however, peritoneal fluid passes
into the tunica vaginalis producing con- these cords again become associated
genital hydrocele of the testis. Rarely, with the existing oogonia. In the begin-
small portion of the middle part of ning of the 4th month the cortical cords
processus vaginalis fails to obliterate break up into isolated cell clusters
and retains one or more cystic cavities, called primordial follicles. Each pri-
Such cysts may secrete fluid and be- mordial ovarian follicle consists of an
come enlarged t© form hydrocele of the oogonium surrounded by a single layer
spermatic cord. These conditions can of flattened cells, called follicular
be treated surgically. cells, which are derived from the
epithelial cells of the sex cords.