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in Medical by (17.9k points)
What is Development of Vagina

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by (17.9k points)
As mentioned earlier, contact of the tip of the uterine canal with the pel­vic part of the urogenital sinus pro­duces a small elevation in the posterior of the sinus, which is called sinus tu­bercle. In the female fetus the endo-dermal epithelium of the urogenital si­nus proliferates in the region of sinus tubercle to produce a pair of swellings called sinuvaginal bulbs, which ex­tend from the urogenital sinus to the caudal end of the uterine canal. The sinuvaginal bulbs soon fuse together to form a solid block of endodermal tis­sue, which is called vaginal plate. The upper end of the vaginal plate is in con­tact with the inferior end of the uterine canal. Proliferation of cells in the vagi­nal plate leads to elongation of this plate from the 3rd to the 5th month. Subsequently, the vaginal plate be­comes canalized by the degeneration and disappearance of the central cells of this plate. The origin of lining epithe­lium of vagina is a subject of contro­versy between different research work­ers. Some of the authorities hold the view that the vaginal epithelium is de­rived only from the peripheral cells of the vaginal plate and is, thus, entirely endodermal in origin. Other research workers, however, are of the opinion

that the lining epithelium of lower two-thirds of vagina is endodermal (being derived from the vaginal plate), whereas the lining epithelium of the upper one-third is mesodermal in origin and is derived from the lowermost part of the uterine canal (which they prefer to call uterovaginal canal).
Outer to the lining epithelium, the muscular and fibrous coats of va­gina develop from the surrounding mesenchyme. An endodermal mem­brane, called hymen, temporarily sepa­rates the vaginal lumen from the cavity of the phallic part of the urogenital si­nus (as described later, this part of the urogenital sinus forms the vestibule of vagina). The hymen usually becomes perforated shortly before or soon after birth.

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