Your skin may let you know when something is not quite right inside your body. This itch can be a symptom of deeper problems.
- Hives: You get them from allergies. They look like raised welts that show up alone or in clusters, and they are usually itchy. Stress, heat, exercise, or exposure to the sun can also bring them out.
- Psoriasis: It makes your body overproduce skin cells, which pile up in itchy, inflamed patches on the skin’s surface. Doctors don’t know the exact cause, but the immune system may be involved.
- Pregnancy: More than one in 10 pregnant women say itching is a problem. The reasons range from harmless rashes to more serious conditions.
- Medications: Some may make your skin itch, even with no signs of a rash or irritation. Check with your doctor if the itch becomes too uncomfortable.