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in Prostate Cancer by (1.0m points)

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by (1.0m points)
Not counting men with prostate cancer who die of other causes: 99% of men with the most common types of prostate cancer overall will survive more than five years after diagnosis.
For the more than 90% of men whose prostate cancer is localized to the prostate or just nearby, the prognosis is even better. Almost 100% of these men will live at least five years. Another way to put this last point is nine out of 10 men with prostate cancer have localized cancer. Almost none of these men will die from their prostate cancer over five years. Fewer men (about 5%) have more advanced prostate cancer at the time of diagnosis. Once prostate cancer has spread beyond the prostate, survival rates fall. For men with distant spread (metastasis) of prostate cancer, about one-third will survive for five years after diagnosis.

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