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in Prostate Cancer by (1.0m points)

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by (1.0m points)
When you have advanced prostate cancer, you can turn to palliative care to manage your symptoms and get the emotional support you need. It can be a big help at a time when you may be looking for relief from pain or new ways to deal with a swirl of intense feelings. Unlike hospice care, which is only given at the end of life, you can get palliative care at any stage of a serious illness, starting at your diagnosis. It can continue for weeks or months, including while you get treatment. Any medical professional -- such as a doctor, nurse, dietitian, pharmacist, or therapist -- can provide palliative care, but there are also specialists in the field. Most hospitals have palliative services, and some have centers that you can visit without having to stay overnight. Your primary care doctor may also be involved in the palliative care you get.

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