a) Tricuspid Atresia. This anomaly consists of complete absence of right atrioventricular orifice. In this condition there is atrophy of the right ventricle, hypertrophy of the left ventricle, and intense cyanosis. Survival is only possible if this anomaly is associated with ASD and a patent ductus arteriosus.
b) Ebstein's Anomaly. In this malformation the tricuspid valve is displaced downward into the right ventricle and the valve cusp are attached to the ventricular wall. The dysfunctional
valve allows the blood to regurgitate ii) Transposition of the Great
into the right atrium. Arteries
In about 5 of 10,000 live born in-iv) Defects of the Mitral Valve fants, the conotruncal septa develop
In mitral atresia the valve cusps but the aorticopulmonary septum fails
are completely fused to each other, to persue a spiral course. This pro-
The left ventricle js poorly developed duces transposition of great vessels, in
and an ASD is always present. which blood from left ventricle passes
into the pulmonary trunk, whereas blood from the right ventricle passes