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in Osteoporosis by (1.0m points)

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by (1.0m points)

This is when you have a break in the top quarter of your thighbone, aka the femur. You’ll probably have a lot of pain in your hip or groin, or be unable to walk. Your skin around the injury may also swell, get red or bruise. Could also might feel a vague pain in your hips, butt, thighs, groin or back.

To diagnose a hip fracture, you doctor may ask about any recent injuries or falls, and examine you and take X-rays.

If the X-ray image is unclear, you may also need an MRI or bone scan. To do a bone scan, your doctor injects a very small amount of radioactive dye into a vein in your arm. The ink travels through your blood into your bones to reveal any factures.

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