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in Osteoporosis by (1.0m points)

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by (1.0m points)
The symptoms appear slowly over time, and many people who have a mild case of Paget's don't have any signs of the disease. For those who do, bone pain is common. Some people also get arthritis in joints near the affected bones.

If your skull is involved, you could have headaches, vision problems, hearing loss, pain in your face, and numbness or tingling.

Sometimes you can see the bone changes. Your legs and thighs may look larger than usual and may seem bent or bowed. Your forehead can look bigger, too. If Paget's gets worse, you may waddle when you walk.

Affected bones sometimes put extra calcium in your blood. Too much calcium can make you feel tired, weak, not hungry, or constipated. In rare cases, serious pain means the Paget's has led to bone cancer. Other rare problems include congestive heart failure (where your heart doesn't pump enough blood to meet your body's needs) and pressure on the tissue of your brain.

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