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in Multiple Sclerosis by (1.0m points)

1 Answer

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by (1.0m points)

There’s no single test that can prove you have multiple sclerosis. Your doctor will use a few different ones to check you. These may include:

  • Blood tests to rule out diseases that cause similar symptoms, like Lyme disease and AIDS
  • Checks of your balance, coordination, vision, and other functions to test nerves
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Analysis of the liquid that cushions your brain and spinal cord, called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). People with MS usually have specific proteins in their CSF.
  • Tests (called evoked potentials) that measure the electrical activity in your brain
  • OCT (Optical coherence tomography) used to detect changes in the retina which could warn of brain atrophy

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