Ans.Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchi or bronchioles. It results in excessive secretions of mucus into the tubes, leading to the swelling of tubular walls and narrowing of tubes.
It is caused by viruses, bacteria or exposure to chemical irritants (e.g. tobacco smoke)
Types of Bronchitis
There are two major types of bronchitis i.e. acute and chronic. The acute bronchitis usually lasts about two weeks and patients recover with no permanent damage to the bronchi or bronchioles. In chronic bronchitis, the bronchi develop chronic inflammation. It usually lasts for three months to two years.
Signs and Symptoms
Symptoms of bronchitis include a cough, mild wheezing, fever, chills and shortness of breath (especially when doing hard job). The majority of people diagnosed with chronic bronchitis are 45 years of age or older.