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in Biology by (41.5k points)
Write an account on bad effects of smoking.

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by (41.5k points)
Ans. Bad Effects of Smoking
Smoking is harmful due to the chemicals in cigarettes and smoke. Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 different chemicals, out of which at least 50 are carcinogens and many are poisonous. Many people think that lung cancer is the only smoking-related disease and it is the number one cause of death among smokers. But It is not right. Cigarette smoke affects the body from head to toe. Smokers have a
much higher risk of developing a number of life threatening diseases.
Smoking may also lead to the cancers in kidneys, oral cavity, larynx, breast, bladder and pancreas etc. Many chemicals in tobacco smoke damage the air passageway, which leads to emphysema and other respiratory disorders.
Smokers are at greater risk of developing infections, particularly in the lungs. For example, smoking increases the risk of tuberculosis by two to four times, and of; pneumonia by four times. Figure 10.10
Smoking is also responsible for weakening and staining the teeth. Tooth loss is 2 to 3 times higher in smokers than in non-smokers.
Smoking also affects the social life of a person. Smokers may face social un-acceptance because other people may not want to be exposed to other's smoke.
Nicotine is powerful poison and was widely used as an insecticide in the past. When inhaled through tobacco smoking, it reaches our circulatory system and not only hardens the walls of the arteries but also damages the brain tissues.

Non-smokers who are exposed to second-hand smoke (passive smoke) at home or work increase their heart disease risk by 25-30% and their lung cancer risk by 20-30%.

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