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in Biology by (36.5k points)
How would you define fermentation with reference to biotechnology? Also describe the types of carbohydrate fermentation.

1 Answer

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by (36.5k points)
Fermentation is the process in which there is incomplete oxidation-reduction of glucose. Fermentation has been in the knowledge of man since centuries, but it was believed that it is purely a chemical process.
In 1857, Pastures convinced the scientific community that all fermentations are the results of microbial activity. He showed that fermentation is always

accompanied by the development of microorganisms. There are many kinds of fermentation and each kind is a characteristic of particular microbial group.
Carbohydrate Fermentation
Fermentation is classified in the terms of the products formed. The initial steps of carbohydrate fermentation are identical to those of respiration. The process begins with g.lycolysis, in which the glucose, molecule is broken into two
molecules of pyruvic acid Different microorganis ms  precede the urther reaction in different ways; it results in the " formation  of various products from pyruvic acid.

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