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in Biology by (41.5k points)
What are single cell proteins? Describe their importance.

1 Answer

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by (41.5k points)
Single-Cell protein (SCP) refers to the protein content extracted from pure or mixed cultures of algae, yeasts, fungi or bacteria. It is known as single cell protein because the microorganisms used as producers are unicellular or
filamentous individuals.
Production of SCP
For the production of single-cell proteins, the microorganisms are grown in fermenters. These microorganisms utilize a variety of substrate like agricultural wastes, industrial wastes, natural gas like methane etc. Microorganisms grow very vigorously and produce a high yield of protein. The protein content produced by microorganisms is also known as novel protein or minifood.
Importance of SCP
SCP is gaining popularity day by day because it requires limited land area for production. We know that due to over-population, the world is facing the problem of food shortage. In future, the conventional agricultural methods might not be able to provide a sufficient supply of food (especially proteins). For a better management of food shortage problems (in humans and domestic animals), the use of miprobes as the producers of single-cell proteins has been successful on experimental basis. This technique was introduced by Prof. Scrimshow of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Scientist and food technologists believe that single-cell proteins will substitute the other protein-rich foods in human and animal feeds. •
All scientists recognize the significance of the production of single-cell proteins. The microorganisms grow very vigorously and produce a high yield. It has been

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