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in Biology by (36.5k points)
Name the vectors of dengue and malaria fever, also differentiate between male and female dengue mosquito.

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by (36.5k points)
Ans. Dengue fever virus is transmitted from a sick to healthy person by Aedes type Of mosquito (Aedes aegypti, and A.albopictus), while malaria fever causing protozoan is transmitted by Anopheles mosquito. In both types only females are the vectors.
/Aedes mosquito is about 1o mm in size. Its colour is black with white spots on body and legs. It has white stripes on thorax. The male mosquitoes cannot bite because it has no biting mouth parts. The female mosquito, has stylet which is used to pierce and suck the blood meal during the bite. Both male and female feed on plant's nectar, but the female needs blood for laying

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