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in Chemistry by (36.5k points)
Write down different uses of acids and bases.

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by (36.5k points)
Answer. Uses of Acids
(i)       Sulphuric acid is used for manufacture of fertilizers (ammonium sulphate), explosives, paints, dyes, drugs and as an electrolyte in lead storage batteries.
(ii)      Nitric acid is used for manufacturing of fertilizer (Ammonium nitrate), explosives, paints and drugs. Etching designs on copper plates.
(iii)    Hydrochloric acid is used for cleaning metals, tanning and in printing industries.
(iv)     Benzoic acid is used for food preservation.
(v)      Acetic acid is used for flavoring food and food preservation. It is also used to cure the sting of wasps.
Uses of Bases
(i)       Sodium hydroxide is used for manufacturing of soap.
(ii)      Calcium hydroxide is used for manufacturing of bleaching powder, softening of hard water and neutralizing acidic soil and lakes due to acid rain.
(iii)    Potassium hydroxide is used in alkaline batteries.
(iv)     Magnesium hydroxide is used as a base to neutralize acidity in the stomach. It is also used for the treatment of bee's stings.
(v)      Aluminum   hydroxide   is   used   as   foaming   agent   in   fire extinguishers.
(vi)     Ammonium hydroxide is used to remove grease stains from clothes.

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asked Sep 13, 2017 in Biology by shamroz (41.5k points)
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