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in Chemistry by (36.5k points)
What is isomerism?

1 Answer

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by (36.5k points)
Answer. It is a phenomenon in which compounds have same molecular formula but different structural formulae. These different structures are called isomers. Isomers have the same molecular formula but different arrangement of atoms in molecules or different structural formulae. Isomerism also adds to the possible number of structures, e.g., molecular formula C5H12 can be represented by three different structures. Thus, C5H12 has three isomers, as shown below:
H3C-CH2-CH2-CH2- CH3     H3C-CH-CH2-CH3             H3C-C-CH3                             
   CH3                           CH3                                       CH3
  n-pentane                     isopentane                   neopentane

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