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in Geography by (1.0m points)
Define waterfall.

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by (1.0m points)

When the river cuts the upper layer of hard rocks on the bed, it tends to erode the lower hard rocks to a great depth. this results in the creation of a waterfall.

I was recently asked about the waterfall image on my home page and if it symbolizes something for me. Well, the location is Canadian being Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. The falls are spectacular despite the outlandish development and impoverished tourism driven architecture that now comprises the town of Niagara. You can see more photographs of the falls in my Art section under Photography. For me it represents unleashed creativity in a constant fluid shape that is ever changing and renewing. It represents openness, flexibility, power, form and spirituality which is an ancient symbol association with water in it's myriad manifestations.

So here's a snippet of background on the symbolism of waterfalls out there in the world.

In literature water is frequently a symbol of change and is often present at turning points. It is in most cultures I can think of, a sign of life-no surprise, but when it comes to murky water, often a sign of death.

In Classical Chinese painting the waterfall has frequently been an element which in opposition to the rock represents yin and yang and is considered the symbol of impermanence as opposed to changelessness. As an element the waterfall persists but is never the same.

The ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, was inspired to ruminate on the waterfall as the continuos evolution of beings. The drops of water which make up the waterfall are renewed each second, just like the view in Buddhism of the purely illusory components of manifestation.

It has represented in it's downward force heavenly activity emanating from the still center, the immutable, a display of infinite potentiality.

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