Different types of landforms have been formed by internal and external forces of earth.
You have learnt in the previous lesson that the landforms found on the earth’s surface are the result of interplay between internal and external forces. The soft rocks are easily worn down by these forces. While the relatively harder rocks are not so easily worn down. Therefore, rocks have a great influence on the landforms developed in an area. The internal forces are perpetually elevating the earth’s surface and the external forces about which you will study in the next lessons are constantly wearing down such elevations to make ,the surface level. This is how various landforms are formed by constant action of agents of gradation. These landforms are not only the physical features of the earth’s surface but also the basis of human civilization. The major landforms found on the earth’s surface are mountains, plateaus and plains. In this lesson, we will study the major landforms of the earth and their economic importance for us.
After studying this lesson you will be able to :
differentiate among the three major landforms found on the earth’s surface;
explain the process of formation of various landforms with the help of illustrations;
classify mountains on the basis of their mode of formation;
discuss the usefulness of mountains to man;
list different types of plateaus and describe their economic significance;