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in Geography by (1.0m points)
Why best means of transportation are neccessory?

1 Answer

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by (1.0m points)
Best means of transportation results in the promotion of trade.

Public transportation is an important part of every community – especially for people with disabilities. Here are 4 reasons why public transportation is important in your own community.

Public transit users are healthier.  It is proven that those who use public transportation get over three times the amount of physical activity per day than those who don’t.  This leads to an overall happier community with active and healthy neighbors.

Buses are safer than individual vehicles. Communities that have high public transit movement are proven to have better overall security and reduced crime rates.  Traveling on public transportation reduces the amount of cars on the road and decreases your likelihood of getting into an accident.  For individuals with disabilities, riding on buses is also safer due to the amount of accessibility features available.  Ramps, lifts, securement belts and more make all Pace buses accessible to entire communities.

Public transportation improves access.  Public transportation allows individuals opportunities that they may not have had otherwise.  It improves access to education, employment and everything people need to be independent.  12% of transit riders are traveling to school and 60% of transit riders are going to work.

Buses create community cohesion.  Public transportation promotes positive interactions between neighbors.  It is an opportunity for the entire community to be one – both people with disabilities and not.  Buses are able to connect those with disabilities with other people by giving them access to the entire community.

To learn more about how Pace connects communities on their fixed route bus system, visit

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